
Lenovo is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of Servers, Laptops, Tablets, Mobile phones and other options. According to IDC and Gartner reports in last five years Lenovo is placed in third place for manufacturing of IT equipment, being as well number one in certain segments.

Good business results have been achieved thanks to the confidentiality, security and excellent service support for all Lenovo products. Additionally there is a good reason for legendary reliability of ThinkPad, which starts with military specifications testing when conditions are extreme. Important factor in awarded precise keyboard with its well-known red TrackPoint®, is multi-touch touchpad, ergonomic key and advantage of multi-medial taster that offer comfort.

Lenovo systems are reliable as devices with many parallel options, created to reduce heating in critical areas, with special fans designed for silent work with the smallest power consumption. That means lower pressure on system components, lower power consumption and higher comfortability for users while working with Lenovo equipment.

For more details please go to manufacturer’s web site  www.lenovo.com

For more information on BBS offer of Lenovo products, please contact us via contact form, on e-mail prodaja@bbs.ba or through our phone number  +387 33 563 162.